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Poka-Yoke Station for Seat Track Assembly


Front view of the two Poka-Yoke stations

As a systems integrator, TOA SE does a wide variety of projects across different industries. Often, no 2 projects are the same and are unique. This recent project that TOA SE has recently completed is one such example.

TOA SE designed and built two custom machines for assembling rubber flap parts and resin spacers onto a seat track. This custom assembly station is known as a poka-yoke, a Japanese term for error-proofing a manufacturing process. Each station was designed, built, and tested by our team of mechanical and controls engineers. This custom worktable helps make the process more efficient and minimizes downtime due to the wrong components being installed on the track. An operator first scans a Kanban card using a QR scanner. This indicates the production run for the order. The operator then places the seat rails on the machine, which are automatically scanned by a Keyence SR-1000 code reader to ensure the correct seat rail is in place. The seat rails are then automatically clamped by a cylinder, and the operator cleans the seat rails with a degreaser, which is then dried out with an automatic air blow. The operator then installs the rubber flap onto the seat rail. A datum arm which is actuated by a rotary clamp cylinder, automatically moves to a programmed position to poka-yoke the correct rubber flap install location on the track. The track is then unclamped, and the process is complete.

Top view of tabletop of one of the Poka-yoke stations

Detail of the pneumatics of the Poka-yoke station

Poka-yoke systems like this are one of the most common methods for ensuring accuracy and efficiency in the assembly of a part. If you are looking for a solution to improve accuracy and efficiency in parts assembly, feel free to contact us and we would be glad to help find a solution for you.

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